Civil Engineering

Sample Program

This sample program plan gives you a possible overview of the types of courses a student would take each semester of the Civil Engineering program at Wheaton College.

PLEASE NOTE: This program plan is for guidance only. Graduation requirements are found in the course catalog.


Download the Sample Program Plan for Civil/Environmental Engineering

Civil Environmental Concentration Plan (PDF)


Semester 1: Fall

Number Subject Hours
MATH 235 Calculus I (AAQR) 4
PHYS 231 Introductory Physics I (SP) 4
ENGR 101 Introduction to Engineering 1
CORE 101 First Year Seminar 4
CORE 131 Holistic Human Flourishing 1
ENGW Writing (0-4) 4

Total: 18 Credits

Semester 2: Spring

Number Subject Hours
MATH 236 Calculus II 4
PHYS 232 Introductory Physics II 4
ENGR 132 Engineering Graphics and CAD  3
COMM 101 Oral Communication (0-2) 2
BITH 211 Old Testament Literature 4

Total: 17 Credits

Semester 3: Fall

Number Subject Hours
MATH 237 Calculus III 4
ENGR 211 Engr. Mechanics - Statics 3
ENGR 334 Computer Modeling of Physical Systems 2
ENGR 351 Analog Electronics w/lab 2
LANG Language Core Competency I 4

Total: 15 Credits

Semester 4: Spring

Number Subject Hours
MATH 333 Differential Equations 4
ENGR 212 Engr. Mechanics II - Dynamics w/lab 3
ENGR 214 Innovative Design in Engr. 3
LANG Language Core Competency II 4
SELECT Visual & Performing Arts (1 of 2) 2

Total: 16 Credits

Semester 5: Fall

Number Subject Hours
CHEM 231 General Chemistry 4
ENGR 313 Mechanics of Materials w/lab
ENGR 336 Fluid Mechanics 3
ENGR 352 Fund. of Environmental Engr. 3
LANG Language Core Competency III 4

Total: 17 Credits

Semester 6: Spring

Number Subject Hours
CAE 302 Engineering Systems Analysis 2
ENGR 354 Water Resources Engineering 3
CAE 356 Structural Analysis and Design 3
SELECT Thematic Core (1 of 3) 4
BITH New Testament Literature 4

Total: 16 Credits

Semester 7: Fall

Number Subject Hours
ELECTIVE Math & Science Elective* 2
ENGR 451 Senior Design 4
ENGR XXX CEE Engineering Elective 3
BITH 315 Christian Thought 4
SELECT Visual & Performing Arts (2 of 2) 2

Total: 15 Credits

Semester 8: Spring

Number Subject Hours
ENGR 452 Senior Design II 2
ENGR 494 Engineering Ethics Capstone 2
  Apply for FE Exam 0
SELECT Thematic Core (2 of 3) 4
SELECT Thematic Core (3 of 3) 4

Total: 16 Credits

Total Credit Hours to Bachelor's Degree: 129

Civil/Environmental Engineering Concentration electives:
ENGR 358 Groundwater Hydrology and Well Hydraulics 2
ENGR 359 Geotechnical Engineering 2
ENGR 215 Materials Science for Engineering 3
ENGR 344 Thermodynamics & Heat Transfer 3
ENGR 495 Independent Study 1-3

* The Math and Science elective may come from ENGR 271 or courses with prefixes ASTR, BIOL, CHEM, ENVR, GEOL, MATH, and PHYS that are approved by the Physics & Engineering department. Check with your advisor to determine course availability.