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John Zimmerman

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John Zimmerman, M.Mus.

Associate Professor of Music Emeritus

  • Faculty Since: 1968, Retired in 2012


M.Mus., Piano from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

B.M., Piano from Wheaton College


John D. Zimmerman, Associate Professor of Music, Emeritus, holds the B.Mus. degree from Wheaton College and M.Mus. from the University of Illinois, where he studied piano with Stanley Fletcher and Anis Fuleihan.  Other major teachers have been Florence Wells Field, Ellen Thompson, and William Browning.  At Wheaton he taught piano and piano sight-reading, keyboard harmony, counterpoint and 20th-century music theory.  He enjoys regular performance as a church musician and has arranged numerous hymns and songs in addition to performing as soloist and accompanist.