Student Leadership

2024-2025 Student Leadership Opportunities

Ministry-and-EvangelismMinistry & Evangelism
Chaplain's-OfficeChaplain’s Office
ISPInternational Student Programs
Student-InvolvementStudent Involvement
Intercultural-Arts-and-MediaIntercultural Arts & Media
Multicultural-DevelopmentMulticultural Development
Admissions-DekesAdmissions – Dekes

The Fabric of Student Leadership... be woven in

Student Leadership provides unique opportunities for your personal development and growth in community.  As you explore the diversity of leadership experiences stitched within each office, you will find that the texture of student life can be deeply enhanced by your unique involvement.

Know that whatever choice you make, you will find support and encouragement.  You are invited to be woven into the fabric of Student Leadership for the 2024-25 school year!

Be sure to click on each student leader to link to their video!  And this short video offers more faces of student leadership at Wheaton.  Applications, team information, and recruiting deadlines can be found below.


Current freshmen are invited to apply to serve next year in the Admissions Office as Dekes – welcoming prospective students to campus by giving tours and hosting overnight.  Dekes also have a focus on intentional community among the team.

Info Meeting on Thursday, January 18th at 4pm and 8pm in the Welcome Center.

Learn more about Dekes and the application process here. Applications are due February 4th.



Be part of a dynamic team, serving our campus in areas of spiritual growth, diversity, and leadership. Stop by the Chaplain's Office in Lower Beamer for more information & check your email for future information.

  • Student Chaplain applications and references are open until February 4th! Please provide one staff/faculty and one peer reference. Job descriptions for all Student Chaplain positions here.
  • Chapel Band Member applications will be open from Monday, January 29th until 11:59pm CST on Friday, February 23rd (keep an eye on your email for details on how to apply). For more details on available positions, please see our Member Profile
  • Discipleship Ministries Cabinet and Coach applications and references are due Sunday, February 11th at 11:59pm CST. All relevant information, including the application/reference links and job descriptions, can be found here
  • Discipleship Ministries Leader applications and references will be open from Sunday, February 11th until Friday, March 1st. All relevant information, including the application/reference links and job descriptions, can be found here.

Explore ways to pair your creativity with student leadership opportunities! ICAM teams include College Union, Media Team, and Storytelling Project. Visit the Intercultural Arts & Media page for more information and application links.

ISP student leaders mentor new students, plan events and create spaces for global dialogue and hospitality. Explore our International Student Groups page to learn how you can get involved!

MuKappa Cabinet Applications 25-26

Axis Cabinet Application 25-26

Ladder Leader Application 25-26

International Apartments Application 25-26

Participate in God’s redemptive work of the Gospel by discovering and growing in your ministry leadership through Ministry & Evangelism! Join students who are passionate about serving the Lord in works of justice, hospitality, and proclaiming the good news of Christ’s salvation both on and off campus. Visit the Ministry & Evangelism page or stop by our office to learn about leadership opportunities.

Organization Director
We are accepting applications for director positions of Student Missionary Partners, World Christian Fellowship, and Christian Service Council from January 21-February 4. We will conduct interviews following that timeframe and send out decisions by February 14.

Organization Cabinet
Applications for Cabinet Positions on Student Missionary Partners, World Christian Fellowship, and Student Evangelism Cabinet will be open from January 27-March 5. Cabinet positions will be filled on a rolling basis.

Ministry Teams
If you are interested in applying for a director role or cabinet position on a Ministry Team, you can reach out to or reach out to the Ministry Team directly for more information.

Visit the Multicultural Development page to find more information about ways to get involved in the following student groups: 

  • 1-2-1
  • Gospel Choir
  • Koinonia
  • Shalom Community
  • Unidad Cristiana
  • William Osborne Society
  • O.P.T. (OMD Publishing Team)

Apply to be a Passage Student Leader and welcome the Class of 2028! At each site you will have the chance to work with a small group of incoming first year or transfer students. You will have the opportunity to serve at on of the following Passage sites: Wilderness, Northwoods, Equestrian, Transfer (Chicago), Urban Passage: Downtown or Urban Passage: Woodlawn.

Consider Student Involvement Leadership Opportunities or stop by Student Involvement in Lower Beamer for more information on how to get involved. 

Wheaton’s student newspaper The Record and Wheaton’s art magazine, Kodon, are each hiring an Editor in Chief and Business Manager for the 2023-24 school year. Students from all majors are invited to apply.

Email Becki Henderson for Editor in Chief or Business Manager applications.