Watch the 2024 Wheaton College Christmas Festival
The Conservatory of Music choirs, orchestra, and band will joyfully present traditional carols and eloquent musical reflections on Christ’s birth. Soloists and chamber music ensembles will captivate listeners with distinctive musical offerings. This year’s Christmas Festival, Draw Near, is available to watch on the Wheaton College YouTube Channel.
Watch the 2023 Christmas Festival
Celebrate the glory of Jesus’s birth with the annual Wheaton College Christmas Festival, “Let the Stable Still Astonish,” hosted by the Wheaton College Conservatory of Music .
Inspired by Leslie Leyland Field’s poem, Let the Stable Still Astonish, the concert features performances by the Wheaton College Concert Choir, Gospel Choir, Men’s Glee Club, Women’s Chorale, Symphonic Band, Symphony Orchestra, Percussion Ensemble, and Zoe’s Feet! The program includes audience sing-alongs, a cappella carols, extravagant instrumental music, and more.