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Returning Home Guides

Tips and Tools for Helping Your Camper Return Home from Camp

Find your camper’s program below and download a free and short guide with tips and tools for helping your camper make the transition from being at camp to life at home. 

These free downloadable guides are intended to help you feel equipped to ask questions and learn more about the growth, learning, and fun during your child’s time at HoneyRock.

We've included an additional guide that focuses on our activity areas and the learning progression within each area. 

Activity Areas and Progression Guide

With 14 dynamic activity areas, we seek to provide educational experiences where campers can progress through various skills and eventually gain mastery of the activity area. And, of course, all while having a great deal of fun doing so! The ultimate goal of activity areas is to enable campers to glorify and connect with God through developing their foundational knowledge of various activities

Download the Activity Area & Progression Overview Guide
6-Day Intro-Res Camp Guide

Helping your Intro camper transition back to life at home is essential. While they may have only been gone for six days, they experienced a lot in a short period of time. 

Download the Intro-Res Camp Guide
Residential Elementary Camp Guide

12 days away from everyday life allows your camper to really dive into the rhythms and routines of life at HoneyRock. Help them settle back into life at home AND apply what they learned at camp.

Download the "Res" Elementary Camp Guide
Residential Middle Camp Guide

12 days away from everyday life allows your camper to really settle into the rhythms and routines of life at HoneyRock. Help them settle back into life at home AND apply what they learned at camp.

Download the "Res" Middle Camp Guide
Advance Camp Guide

Advance Camp is a rite of passage summer camp program for students who have just completed junior high/middle school and are entering high school - what they experience at camp has been intentionally designed to equip them for the next few years that lie ahead. Dive in and hear about what they learned this summer. 

Download the Advance Camp Guide
2:22 Guide

An extended wilderness trip, community-focused service, discovering their interests and gifts - just a few of the major things your 2:22 camper experienced while at HoneyRock. Help them unpack and consider all they did this summer!

Download the 2:22 Guide
Voyageur Guide

Whether they were immersed in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness or backpacking around Isle Royale National Park, Voyageur campers were surrounded by God's creation and their community. Guaranteed, they'll have some stories and life lessons to share with you at home.

Download the Voyageur Guide
Catalyst 1 Guide

The name Catalyst comes from the important catalytic moments your high schooler is likely experiencing at this stage of their life. The later years in high school are when key discerning moments and identity formation occur. Walk with your camper as they process the rich and immersive summer they've had at HoneyRock.

Download the Catalyst 1 Guide
Catalyst 2 Guide

The name Catalyst comes from the important catalytic moments your high schooler is likely experiencing at this stage of their life. The later years in high school are when key discerning moments and identity formation occur. Walk with your camper as they process the rich and immersive summer they've had at HoneyRock.

Download the Catalyst 2 Guide