Scott Eppler
Assistant Director of Site & Facilities
On Staff since 2001
I was born and raised in southeast Wisconsin in a small town called Oconomowoc. I graduated from high school there, spent one semester at the University of Kentucky, and then went on to University of Wisconsin at Stevens Point. While at UWSP, I accepted Christ as my personal Savior, which dramatically changed the course of my life in a very positive way and I met my wife, Anne. We were married in June 1997, graduated from UWSP in the spring of 1998, and moved to the Northwoods to start jobs as foresters.
After three and a half years of walking through the woods(literally), the Lord brought me to HoneyRock. Here at HoneyRock, I manage our property, grounds supervise the equestrian program and provide oversight to our transportation coordinator. I also respond to various maintenance needs as part of the Site and Facilities team. My wife and I have a son, Samuel, and two daughters, Libby and Emma. We live south of Three Lakes.
Throughout my childhood, I attended church regularly and clearly understood who Jesus is, but it was not until I came to the very end of myself in college that I realized I had never invited Jesus to be Lord of my life. I met Jesus Christ as my personal Savior while I was at the University of Wisconsin Stevens Point. What a joy it has been and continues to be as I see God direct my steps instead of me trying to go through life alone. One interesting note is that my wife Anne (who was not my wife at the time) led me to Christ.
The thing I love most about working at HoneyRock is having the opportunity to pour into people's lives whether they are a camper, student, staff member, or retreat guest. It is also a privilege to serve people by providing a restful, peaceful, creative environment where they can hopefully hear and see God more clearly.
University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point
B.S. in Forest Management, 1998
Contact Us
HoneyRock Center for Leadership Development
8660 Honey Rock Rd.
Three Lakes, WI 54562