Multicultural Peace and Justice Coalition Mosaic
Multicultural Peace and Justice Collaborative

Multicultural Peace and Justice Collaborative

Not Your Typical Research Lab

The Multicultural Peace and Justice Collaborative is not a typical "research lab." Instead, we are a collaborative research team that is intentionally multicultural in membership. We want to understand multiculturalism, social justice, and peace from the inside out, not only by studying other communities but by building our own collaborative research training community that we view as an extended scholarly family/Jiārén/famiglia/familia/ohana.

Our Faculty Director

John McConnell
John McConnell, PhD
Associate Professor of Psychology



Multiculturalism, social justice, and peace will become increasingly more important to your life calling.


How We Build Our Collaborative Family

Wheaton College IL Multicultural Peace and Justice Collaborative Group

To build our extended collaborative family, we meet weekly during the academic year to develop our intellect, identity, and skills through diverse learning strategies, including formal lecture, interactional mentorship, and experiential learning. We also break out into smaller taskforces to work on various collaborative projects together. Additional in-person and online collaboration occur throughout the year.

We not only work together, but we also promote each other’s personal and relational development as we promote multiculturalism, social justice, and peace within ourselves, with other individuals, with groups and nations, and with all of humanity. 

Multiculturalism, social justice, and peace will become increasingly more central to your personal and professional identities.

Our Collaborative Content, Processes, and Outcomes Model

Peace and Justice Collaboration CubeMulticulturalism: We promote diversity, inclusion, and coexistence with deliberate intercultural engagement.

Social Justice: We teach each other how to come alongside oppressed individuals with social justice methods, and how to collaboratively work with oppressed individuals as they empower themselves with indigenous methods for social action. 

Peace: We promote peace through peacekeeping, peacemaking, and peacebuilding.

Theory Utilization: We use theory in context of culturally diverse knowledge and methods.

Research Methodology: We study topics with various qualitative-experimental–ex post facto research methods along diverse rigor–relevance and exploratory–confirmatory continuums.

Flexible Practice: We use various multicultural, social justice, and peace practices in a flexible culturally sensitive manner. We hope for theory and practice synergy by recursively engaging both with epistemological and methodological humility. 

Collaboration: We collaboratively work together as allies who all have valuable perspectives, strengths, and equal influential power.

Learn More About Our Collaborative Research Experience
Four Wheaton College Graduate School students walking together
Collaborative Training Projects

The Multicultural Peace and Justice Collaborative fosters a variety of innovative, collaborative research projects --- and we're open to your ideas!

Apply Today to Join the Multicultural Peace and Justice Collaborative

Step One

Interested in joining us? Great! Already a student at Wheaton? Skip to Step Two. 

The first step is to apply to Wheaton College. The Collective is open to undergraduate and graduate students, so choose the correct application for you below. 

Apply - Undergraduate Apply - Graduate School


Step Two

Fill out the appropriate application below and return it as instructed on the form. 

Undergraduate Student Lab Application   |   Graduate Student Lab Application

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