What does HNGR stand for? (And what is the correct acronym?)
Sometimes misidentified as the HUNGR program, the easiest way to remember the correct acronym is by what it stands for: Human Needs and Global Resources.
Is HNGR a Christian study abroad program?
HNGR is an academic certificate program that integrates multidisciplinary coursework, a six-month internship, field-based research, and whole-person Christian formation through experiential learning.
What is the first step to getting involved in the HNGR Program?
Students interested in applying to the HNGR program set up an informational meeting during their Freshman or Sophomore first or second year at Wheaton and enroll in our introductory course, HNGR 114 Poverty, Justice, Transformation. If you are interested, stop by the office to make an appointment with the Partnership & Placement Manager to discuss your interests, concerns, and options with regard to the Program.
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