Wheaton in the Holy Lands

Experience the land of the Bible where Jesus taught and ministered and follow in the footsteps of Paul as he helped the early church to take root.

Wheaton in the Holy Lands

The viability of future programs in Israel is under continuing review. ​​​​​​​

Wheaton in the Holy Lands has historically studied New Testament, Christian theology and historical geography through on-site lecture/instruction in Israel, Greece, and Rome. Students engage with issues of the theological development of the Church through the centuries, its historic faith expressions, and dialogue with other faith traditions. The program offers students the experience of a lifetime, exploring the Holy Lands under the guidance and instruction of Wheaton professors and local experts.

Program leaders will provide biblical, historical, and theological lectures to help students engage more fully with the life and times of Jesus and the Apostles in Israel, and Paul and the early church in Greece, Turkey and Rome. Students will engage with historic Eastern Orthodox, Roman Catholic, and Protestant expressions of the Christian faith, as well as enter into dialogue with Jews and Muslims, and how these traditions have been preserved and developed throughout history

Highlights: In Israel, watch the sunrise over Jerusalem, drink water from the well where Jesus met the Samaritan women, take a short journey by boat on the Sea of Galilee, and climb Masada. In Europe, experience sunset at the Temple of Poseidon on the Aegean, read the Book of Acts on Mars Hill in Athens, visit the catacombs and the church of Saint Peter in Rome, and spend time in the church of Saint Augustine.  

Program offering is subject to internal approval, minimum enrollment, and ongoing evaluation of local conditions, including enhanced health and safety reviews.

For Program Year Specific Information and Instructions on How to Apply

Visit GoGlobal, Wheaton College's registration system for off-campus study and international travel, research, and internships.

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If you would like further information or have questions about Wheaton in the Holy Lands, please contact  WIHL@wheaton.edu

The Wheaton in the Holy Lands program has a 50+ year long-standing tradition as a cornerstone experience, especially for those students majoring in Biblical and Theological Studies.  That said, Wheaton in the Holy Lands alumni represent almost every major offered on Wheaton's campus.