While preparing for overseas ministry at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, a course entitled "Hebrew Exegesis of the Prophets" got Richard Schultz excited about the Old Testament, and it has been his academic passion ever since! In God's providence, his German major in college helped equip him for a decade of teaching at the Freie Theologische Hochschule in Giessen, Germany, where he experienced the dramatic political changes in Eastern Europe firsthand.
As the first holder of the Armerding Chair from 1995–2012, his stated mission was to foster a love for the Bible and to articulate and defend Wheaton College's doctrinal affirmation of the inspiration and inerrancy of Scripture, giving direction to his course offerings, academic papers, and publications. Serving as department chair from 2002–2005 gave him a new appreciation for the significant and complex role that the Biblical and Theological Studies Department plays within the college as a whole. He was named the Blanchard Professor of Old Testament in the Graduate School in 2012 and considers it a privilege to teach advanced major courses to both undergraduate and graduate students, in addition to serving as a Ph.D. supervisor and second reader.
Yale University
Ph.D., Religious Studies - Old Testament, 1989
Yale University
M.A., Religious Studies - Old Testament, 1980
Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
M.Div., 1977
Michigan State University
B.A., English and German, 1973
Areas of Expertise
- Biblical Theology
- Biblical Criticism
- Inerrancy
- Old Testament
- Biblical Interpretation
Professional Affiliations
- Evangelical Theological Society
- Institute for Biblical Research
- Society of Biblical Literature
- The evangelical doctrine of Scripture and related issues (i.e., inerrancy, biblical criticism, popular hermeneutics)
- The contribution of OT wisdom literature to faith and learning integration
- Evangelical appropriations of contemporary methods of OT criticism
- The compositional and thematic unity of the book of Isaiah
- OT Topics (Ecclesiastes, Isaiah) (BITH 349)
- Issues in Modern OT Studies (BITH 431/541)
- Hebrew Exegesis (Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Isaiah) (BITH 443/635)
- OT Hermeneutics (BITH 542)
- OT Theology (BITH 638)
- Seminar: Topics in Biblical Theology (Isaiah and Intertextuality, Wisdom Theology) (BITH 882)
- Seminar: Biblical/Theological Integration (BITH 884)