Hyunju Kim

All Faculty

Hyunju Kim, Ph.D.

Associate Professor of Computer Science

  • Faculty Since: 2016


George Washington University
PhD, Computer Science

State University of New York Institute of Technology, Utica, NY
MS, Computer and Information Science

Graduate School of Sookmyung Women's University, Seoul, Korea
MS, Information Science

Korea Institute of Science and Technology, Seoul, Korea
Certificate, Software Development

Sookmyung Women's University, Seoul, Korea
BA, Library and Information Science

Areas of Expertise

  • Data Management
  • Information Science
  • Computer Science
  • Software Development

Selected Publications

Developing Sensoria: an Audio Frequency Analyzer and Visualizer built with Open Source Software Proc. of the 10th International Conference on Computer Science & Education

Walter Young, Tzusheng Pei, and Hyunju Kim 2015. We developed Sensoria, an audio analysis and visualization application through a re-use oriented software engineering approach in a combination of Extreme Programming. The application was developed by adopting Open Source Software (OSS) libraries from the Processing project. Sensoria allows an end-user to participate in the creation of dynamic visualizations that respond to input audio as interpreted in a variety of ways. The user can create and manipulate visual components corresponding to the input audio, and also save or load visualization sessions. Sensoria can be further extended to add more features as it is highly modularized and documented, and its source code is open and publicly available.

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Building a Community System to Teach Collaborative Software Development Proc. of the 10th International Conference on Computer Science & Education

Andrew Villarrubia and Hyunju Kim 2015. This paper reports an Open Source Software (OSS) community for Computer Science students to support collaborative software development activities. We built an in-house version control system using only OSS products, which allows students to easily collaborate on development projects, while simultaneously allowing instructors to easily track students' activities. As our system provides a controlled educational environment, students can experience various aspects of software development by playing different roles. In addition, the community's code repository works as a knowledge base for student projects, and thus students can reuse the code and artifacts as examples or basic frameworks for their development.

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Small Clinic Data Management System Proc. of the 30th Southern Biomedical Engineering Conference, 5 pages

Vikasini Chandrashekar*, Ali Abu-El Humos, Hyunju Kim, and Tzusheng Pei April 2014. Clinic Management systems are essential for tracking patient information, billing and scheduling appointments. Healthcare software systems are created to computerize manual operations in clinics. This Clinic Data Management system is tailored to manage day-to-day operations within a small clinic. It is a simple and cheap Desktop software solution that can be easily deployed and used. It identifies key information system characteristics and uses the software development life cycle to guide the implementation of the system as a proof-of-concept. Java Swing and MS Access technologies are used to create the software.

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Enhancement of an Undergraduate Software Engineering Course by Infusing Security Lecture Modules Proceedings of the 7th International Multi-Conference on Society, Cybernetics and Informatics

Hyunju Kim, Natarajan Meghanathan, and Loretta Moore 2013. As software is used everywhere in our daily lives, the importance of developing secure software becomes more apparent. Software security is increasingly considered a software engineering problem, thus traditional software engineering curricula need to be enriched with security components. This paper reports an effort to incorporate security topics in a senior-level undergraduate software engineering course. The course was modified with respect to topics covered, course objectives, and course requirements. This paper also details specific security topics introduced into the course and their associations with traditional software engineering topics. Course assessment data and student feedback show that our enhancements have been efficient in infusing the security considerations required for secure software development.

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A Study on Characteristics of Open Source Software Development Projects in the Areas of Engineering and Games Proc. of the 7th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics

Pervis Fly, James Sims, and Hyun ju Kim 2012. This paper investigates characteristics of Open Source Software (OSS) development projects based on the number of participants and their roles and activities in the areas of Games and Science/Engineering. We utilized Principle Component Analysis (PCA) and clustering over the data from SourceForge.net, and the features that we considered and analyzed for this study include number of users, number of developers, number of message postings, number of file releases, and project subcategories. For the categories of Games and Engineering, the three most active subcategories within each were identified, and the result indicates that most of the Games and Engineering projects have similar characteristics in terms of the selected features and are small with about five users. The result also shows that a group of Engineering projects seem highly specialized and require more subject knowledge in executing the projects than other Games projects.

Incorporating of Aspects of Systems Security and Software Security in Senior Capstone Projects Proc. of the 7th International Conference on Information Technology: New Generations

Natarajan Meghanathan, Hyun ju Kim, and Loretta Moore 2012. In this paper, we present our efforts at incorporating aspects of systems security and software security into the two-course senior capstone project sequence (Software Engineering and Senior Project courses) in the undergraduate Computer Science curriculum at Jackson State University. In this regard, we discuss: (i) the development of course modules and lab projects on security that were respectively taught and assigned to the students in the two capstone project course sequence, and (ii) the incorporation of aspects of systems and software security in the capstone projects that were conducted by our students during the academic year 2010-11. To further assist students on their capstone projects, we developed and offered two new elective courses on Systems and Software Security and Advanced Information Security in conjunction with the two capstone project courses during the Fall and Spring semesters as well as incorporated a network security module, lab projects and reading assignment to a regular Computer Networks course. We disseminate all of our course modules, lecture materials and lab project descriptions through an actively maintained website. Our approach could be adopted as a model for incorporating security in the software systems design and development courses in a computer science or software engineering curriculum.

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