Emily Hervey 2024

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Emily Hervey, PsyD

Visiting Assistant Professor of Psychology


Dr. Emily Hervey is a licensed clinical psychologist and field traumatologist. She comes from an international background, having grown up on three different continents. Since then, she has provided psychological care and trauma-response training globally, including Nigeria, Kurdistan, Chile, Jordan, Spain, Kenya, and Burundi, both in direct response to disasters and for the equipping of local leaders.

Both teaching and research are exciting ways to facilitate learning and discovery, particularly concerning the care of the under-served. As the director of the Global Mental Health and Healing research lab, Hervey specializes in global mental health, trauma, cross-cultural adjustment, and member care. She developed a program, The Tree of Life: Finding Healing and Growth in Jesus, to help those exposed to trauma and equip them to help others. She and her husband have had opportunities to take the program around the world and continue to do so wherever God opens the door.


Psy.D. in Clinical Psychology
Regent University, Virginia Beach, VA (APA Accredited Program)
Dissertation Title: Supporting Healthy International Family Transition: A Family Workbook

M.A. in Clinical Psychology
Regent University, Virginia Beach, VA (APA Accredited Program)

B.A. Major in Psychology, with a Minor in Studio Art
Whitman College, Walla Walla, WA


Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles

Hervey, E. G. (2024). The effects of a spiritually integrated trauma healing program on PTSD symptoms and spiritual well-being in Nigeria. Spirituality in Clinical Practice.

Hervey, E. G. (2023). Spiritually oriented trauma healing in Nigeria: A program evaluation to assess trauma-symptom reduction and spiritual growth. Journal of Psychology and Theology, 51(3), 412–428.

Hervey, E. G. (2017). Culture, spirituality, self-acceptance, and relationships among Latino students. Journal of Cross-Cultural Family Studies, 1.

Hervey, E. G. (2009). Cultural transition during childhood and adjustment to college. Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 28, 3-12.

Books/Booklets/Book Chapters

Hervey, E. & Mellerstig, D.  (2024). Mental Health as Mission: Our Journey into Trauma Training and Care. In K. O’Donnell & M. O’Donnell (Eds.) Global Member Care: Volume Three. William Carey Publishing.

Hervey, E. G. (2024). Light Up or Burn Out: Caring for Self and Others in Times of Crisis. Worldwide Writings. (In English and Spanish)

Hervey, E. G. (2020). The Tree of Life Bible Study: Finding Growth in Jesus. Worldwide Writings.

Hervey, E. G. (2020). The Tree of Life Bible Study: Finding Healing in Jesus. Worldwide Writings.

Hervey, E. G. (2020). Introduction to the Tree of Life Bible Study. Worldwide Writings.

Hervey, E. G. (2019). The Tree of Life Instructor’s Manual. Worldwide Writings.

Hervey, E. G. (2015). The Tree of Life: Finding Healing and Growth in Jesus. Worldwide Writings.

Hervey, E. G. (2014). Glorifying God at the Rocks of Remembrance. Worldwide Writings.

Hervey, E. G. (2012). Setting Sail: The Family Workbook. Worldwide Writings.

Hervey, E. G. (2011). Returning to My Parents' Foreign "Home." In G. Bell-Villada, E. N. Orr, F. Eidse, & N. Sichel (Eds.) Writing Out of Limbo: International Childhoods, Third Culture Kids and Global Nomads. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Sells, J. N., & Hervey, E. G. (2011). Forgiveness in Sexual Abuse: Defining Our Identity in the Journey toward Wholeness. In A. J. Schmutzer (Ed.) The Long Journey Home: Understanding and Ministering to the Sexually Abused. Wipf & Stock Publishers.


Hervey, E. G. (2010). On the road toward restoration: Faith in the midst of trauma and tragedy. Faith & Therapy, 4.


Hervey, E. G., & Mellerstig, C. D. (November, 2024). Learning from Our Neighbors: How Global Mental Health and Member Care Interact. Workshop at the Mental Health and Missions Conference in Hurst, TX.

Hervey, E. G. (March, 2024). Cuidado Para el Cuidador. Online presentation for support group of Chilean mothers.

Hervey, E. G., & Mellerstig, C. D. (March, 2024). Comprendiendo el Trauma y Recuperándose de los Desastres. Training for volunteer responders to Chilean wildfires.

Hervey, E. G., & Mellerstig, C. D. (March, 2024). Renaciendo de las Cenizas: Un Viaje Hacia Resiliencia y la Renovación. Presentation for survivors of Chilean wildfires.

Hervey, E. G., & Mellerstig, C. D. (September, 2023). Bringing Healing and Growth from Trauma. Online Webinar for Frontiers’ Barnabas Team.

Hervey, E. G. (October, 2022). From Helpless and Hopeless to Empowerment and Restoration. Workshop provided for The Restoration Act, Sharya, Kurdistan, Iraq.

Hervey, E. G. (October, 2022). Trauma, Triggers, and Tolerance: Facilitating Relaxation, Recovery, and Regrowth. Workshop provided for The Restoration Act, Sharya, Kurdistan, Iraq.

Hervey, E. G. & Mellerstig, C. D. (September, 2022). Helping the Hurting: Inner Healing in Missions. MAP talk at the New Wineskins Global Missions Conference, Ridgecrest, NC.

Nixon, C. & Hervey E. G. (September, 2022). Inner Healing. Plenary session at the New Wineskins Global Missions Conference, Ridgecrest, NC.

Nixon, C., Hervey. E. G., Spradley, K., Whitmer, M., Nixon G., & Temme, M. (September, 2022). The Transforming Power of Healing. Two-day pre-conference seminar at the New Wineskins Global Missions Conference, Ridgecrest, NC.

Hervey, E. G. (March, 2022). Light-Up or Burn Out. Workshop for Yazidi women, hosted by Dak Organization, Sharya, Kurdistan, Iraq.

Hervey, E. G. (March, 2022). Understanding Our Roots and Shaping Our Children’s Roots. Workshop for Yazidi mothers of special-education children, hosted by Lighthouse Learning
Center, Sharya, Kurdistan, Iraq.

Hervey, E. G. (March, 2022). Weathering the Storms: Helping the Family in Trauma. Training for Yazidi staff members, hosted by Dak Organization, Sharya, Kurdistan, Iraq.

Hervey, E. G. (March, 2022). Preventing Suicide and Responding to Grief. Training for Yazidi staff members, hosted by Dak Organization, Sharya, Kurdistan, Iraq.

Hervey, E. G. (September, 2021). Weathering the Storms: Helping the Family in Trauma. Seminar for Afghan refugees in Fort Pickett, Virginia.

Hervey, E. G. (July, 2021). Children and Trauma: Understanding Reactions and Responses. Workshops provided for The Restoration Act and Panaga Organization for Education, Sharya, Kurdistan, Iraq.

Hervey, E. G. (July, 2021). Psychological First Aid. Workshop provided for Panaga Organization for Education, Sharya, Kurdistan, Iraq.

Hervey, E. G. (June, 2021). Self Care: Build Up or Burn Out. Workshops provided for International Language Center and Panaga Organization for Education, Sharya, Kurdistan, Iraq.

Hervey, E. G. (October, 2020). Psychological First Aid. Online Webinar for Frontiers’ field workers.

Hervey, E. G. (September, 2020). Caring for God’s Creation: You. Online Webinar for Frontiers’ field workers.

Hervey, E. G. (May, 2019). Trauma & Compassion: Encountering God’s Loving Comfort. Guest speaker in chapel at ECWA Theological Seminary, Kagoro, Nigeria.

Hervey, E. G. (May, 2019). Humble Leadership. Guest speaker in chapel at ECWA Theological Seminary, Kagoro, Nigeria.

Hervey, E. G. (February, 2018). Ambassadors: Compelled by Christ’s Love. Guest speaker at the Alpha Youth Retreat, Ventura, CA.

Hervey, E. G. (February, 2018). Treasure in Earthen Vessels. Guest speaker at the Alpha Youth Retreat, Ventura, CA.

Hervey, E. G. (February, 2018). Finding My Identity. Guest speaker at the Alpha Youth Retreat, Ventura, CA.

Hervey, E. G. (July, 2017). In the Vine: The Fruit of Love. Guest speaker at ECWA Theological Seminary, Kagoro, Nigeria.

Hervey, E. G. & Mellerstig, D. (July, 2017). Equipping Leaders Conference. Three-day seminar for pastors and leaders. Uganda.

Hervey, E. G. (January-February, 2017). Healing the Wounds of Trauma. Five-week program training facilitators for the Trauma Healing Institute.

Hervey, E. G. (March, 2015). Psychological First Aid. All-day workshop provided at the ECWA Theological Seminary, Kagoro, Nigeria.

Hervey, E. G. (February, 2015). Immanuel: Discovering Life in Jesus. Two-day seminar provided at the ECWA Theological Seminary, Kagoro, Nigeria.

Hervey, E. G. (February, 2015). Firmly Rooted: Establishing Healthy Psychological, Relational, and Spiritual Roots (3 part series). Guest speaker at chapels at ECWA Theological Seminary, Kagoro, Nigeria.

Hervey, E. G. (December, 2014). Evaluating and Equipping: Promoting Hardiness and Healthy Roots. Invited presentation for pre-field staff at Frontiers, Phoenix, AZ.

Hervey, E. G. (September, 2014). Sharing in Suffering, Comforting with Compassion. Invited presentation for ECWA Theological Seminary, Kagoro, Nigeria.

Hervey, E. G. (May, 2013). Ready for Re-Entry. Invited presentation for staff at Rift Valley Academy, Kijabe, Kenya.

Hervey, E. G. (July, 2011). Transitions! Invited presentation at the Missionary Kid Re-Entry Seminar. Seattle, WA.

Hervey, E. G. (March 2010). Preparing for International Departure: Equipping Families to Thrive, Not Just Survive. Presented at Families in Global Transition in Washington, D.C.

Moriarty, G., Hervey, E. G., Shaler, L., & Sierra, T. (October, 2009). Understanding and Treating Trauma. Invited presentation at Caribbean Graduate School of Theology. Kingston, Jamaica.

Hervey, E. G. (August, 2009). Trauma Team to South Africa: Educating, Equipping, & Encouraging. Invited presentation for “7 M’s” breakfast. Virginia Beach, VA.

Hervey, E. G. (January, 2009). Member Care: Serving Others who Serve God Overseas. Invited presentation for “7 M’s” breakfast. Virginia Beach, VA.

Hervey, E. G. (January, 2009). Where is Home? Understanding, Appreciating, and Supporting Third Culture Kids. Cultural Diversity Luncheon Presentation at Regent University. Virginia Beach, VA.

Hervey, E. G. (April, 2008). MK’s in College: Transition and Adjustment. Workshop taught at Missionary Kids Caregivers Consultation in Kansas City, MO.

Hervey, E. G. (May, 2007). Cultural Transition During Childhood and Adjustment to College. Poster presentation at the Western Psychological Association Convention in Vancouver, B.C., Canada.

Radio Presentation
Hervey, E. G. (January, 2010). Transitions Research, Parts 1, 2, & 3. Interviewed by Brent Lindquist on Member Care Radio, Trans World Radio. Available at Member Care Media.


Honors, Awards, and Grants

  • John Stott Faculty Grant, 2024-2025
  • Certificate of Appreciation from Green Cross Academy of Traumatology, 2020
  • Latino Leadership Researcher Award, 2010
  • Teacher’s Assistant Scholarship, 2008-2011
  • Academic Merit Scholarship at Regent University, 2007-2011
  • AJ Anderson Scholarship at Whitman College, 2003-2007
  • National Merit Scholar, 2003
  • Academic Honoree at IDC Youth Leadership Banquet, 2003 

Certifications and Additional Training

Green Cross Academy of Traumatology
- February 23, 2018: Certified Clinical Traumatologist
- October 14, 2010: Certified Field Traumatologist

Trauma Healing Institute
- October 8, 2016: Certified Training Facilitator

Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM)
- May 3-4, 2016: Emotional and Spiritual Care in Disasters
- May 5-6, 2016: Understanding Suicide: Effective Tools for Prevention, Intervention and Survivor Support
- May 22, 2010: Grief Following Trauma

The Center for Trauma Studies
- March 13, 2009: Treating Sexual Trauma
- February 14, 2009: EMDR, Level 1
- January 17, 2009: Psychological First Aid
- December 6, 2008: Assessment and Treatment of PTSD
- November 1, 2008: Compassion Fatigue Therapist
- October 25, 2008: Compassion Fatigue Educator