Daniel Carroll 2024

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M. Daniel Carroll R. (Rodas), Ph.D.

Scripture Press Ministries Professor of Biblical Studies and Pedagogy


Dr. Carroll is half-Guatemalan and was raised bilingual and bicultural. In his youth, he spent many summers in Guatemala and later taught at El Seminario Teológico Centroamericano in Guatemala City for thirteen years. The realities of Central America sparked Dr. Carroll's fascination with the Old Testament. The relevance of the biblical text for the challenges of poverty, war, and politics in those developing countries led him to a passionate focus on Old Testament social ethics and the social sciences.

In addition, his studies in English literature and literary theory have generated an ongoing engagement with literary approaches to the Old Testament and critical studies. Experiences in this country and abroad have led him to a deep appreciation for the unique contributions that ethnic minorities, women, and the global church make to the interpretation of the Old Testament. Before coming to Wheaton, Dr. Carroll taught Old Testament at Denver Seminary for many years and founded a Spanish-language lay training program there. At Wheaton, he hopes to model a commitment to connecting careful biblical scholarship with the mission of the church as it engages today’s complex realities. Dr. Carroll has been involved in Latino/a churches and teaching on the Bible and immigration for many years. His research focuses on the prophetic literature and Old Testament social ethics. He has recently published a major commentary on the book of Amos and a book on the prophetic voice for today. Two collaborative books will appear in the fall of 2024: Reading the Bible Latinamente: Latino/a Interpretation for the Life of the Church and The State of Old Testament Studies: A Survey of Recent Research. In addition to working on a volume on Old Testament ethics, he also is the senior editor of a new Old Testament commentary series, The Bible in God’s World (Wipf & Stock).


University of Sheffield
Ph.D., Old Testament, 1990

Dallas Theological Seminary
Th.M., Old Testament, 1980

Rice University
B.A., English Literature, 1975

Areas of Expertise

  • Minority and Majority World Approaches 
  • Old Testament Studies, in particular the prophetic literature and narrative approaches
  • Old Testament Social Ethics


Immigration and Christian Faith: A Biblical Approach

Annual Theology lecture at William Jessup University, 2021



  • Literary-theological approaches to Old Testament texts, in particular the prophetic literature
  • Theological foundations and themes in Old Testament social ethics
  • Old Testament theology and exegesis from ethnic minority (especially Latino/a) and Majority World perspectives
  • Biblical-theological approaches to ancient and contemporary migration and diaspora
  • Themes in Old Testament biblical theology, including the mission of God, theodicy, history, and worship

Courses Taught

  • BITH 448 Marginal Voices in Old Testament Study
  • BITH 635 Hebrew Exegesis (1 & 2 Samuel, Amos)
  • BITH 638 Old Testament Theology
  • BITH 882 Old Testament Social Ethics

Selected Publications

"Processing the Processes of Migration: Insights from Book of Daniel"Apuntes, M. Daniel Carroll R., 2021

"Twenty Years of Amos Research"Currents in Biblical Research, M. Daniel Carroll R., 2019

"Amós" In Comentario Bíblico Contextual, M. Daniel Carroll R., 2018.

"Latino/Latina Biblical Interpretation"Scripture and its Interpretation: An Ecumenical, Global Introduction to the Bible, M. Daniel Carroll R., 2017.  

"Processing the Processes of Migration: Insights from Book of Daniel", Apuntes, M. Daniel Carroll R., 2021.

"The Bible and Hispanic Immigration"The Hispanic Evangelical Church in the United States: History, Ministry and Challenges,  M. Daniel Carroll R., 2016.

"Diaspora and Mission in the Old Testament"Scattered and Gathered: A Global Compendium of Diaspora Missiology,  M. DanielCarroll R., 2016.

"I will send fire: Reflections on the Violence of God in Amos"Wrestling with the Violence of God: Soundings in the Old Testament, M. Daniel Carroll R., 2015.

"Once a Stranger, Always a Stranger? Immigration, Assimilation, and the Book of Ruth"International Bulletin of Missionary Research, M. Daniel Carroll R., 2015.

"Amos"Fortress Commentary on the Bible, M. Daniel Carroll R., 2014.

"Welcoming the Stranger: Toward a Theology of Immigration in Deuteronomy", For Our Good Always: Studies on the Message and Influence of Deuteronomy in Honor of Daniel I. Block, M. Daniel Carroll R., 2013.

"Ethics and Old Testament Interpretation"Hearing the Old Testament: Listening for God’s Address, M. Daniel Carroll R., 2012.
