Bill Merrifield Headshot

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Bill Merrifield, Ed.D.

Guest Instructor and TESOL Internship Coordinator


Ed.D. in Educational Leadership
George Fox University

M.A. in Middle Eastern Studies
The American University of Beirut

M.A. in Religion
Trinity International University

B.A. in Theology
Wheaton College.



Dr. Bill Merrifield served cross-culturally in Beirut, Lebanon for 17 years. He holds an Ed.D. in Educational Leadership from George Fox University, an MA in Middle Eastern Studies from the American University of Beirut, an MA in Religion from Trinity International University, and a BA in Theology from Wheaton College. His experience includes roles in educational leadership and teaching in higher education, secondary education, and theological education. Dr. Merrifield’s research interests focus on the development of contextual critical thinking and contextual special education. His dissertation examined the impact of socio-contextual, cultural, and linguistic variables in the critical thinking processes of multilingual students. Dr. Merrifield currently lives in Wheaton, Illinois and works as the Chief Strategy Officer for IDEAS.