Spanish Cultural Opportunities and Resources

Opportunities to Practice Spanish on Campus


Our monthly Tertulia, hosted by Spanish and Latin American and Latino/a Studies, is an opportunity for fellowship and conversations surrounding a topic and led by a professor. Find out more about Tertulia.

Grupos de Conversación

Every student who is in a beginner or intermediate Spanish class participates in a weekly Spanish conversation group. Groups are led by students with advanced Spanish proficiency and a passion for helping others on their language journey.  

Scholarships and Awards

Sigma Delta Pi

Sigma-Delta-Pi-group-shotWheaton is honored to have a chapter of Sigma Delta Pi, the National Collegiate Hispanic Honor Society. Spanish majors who have demonstrated academic excellence in Spanish are invited to join the Wheaton College chapter. To apply, please contact Dr. Christine Kepner. To learn more, visit

The Violet Bergquist Scholarship

The Violet Bergquist Scholarship is awarded to an outstanding Junior or Senior student who is a French or Spanish major preparing either to teach or to use French or Spanish in Christian service. For information, please contact a French or Spanish professor.

Internships, Part-Time Employment, Volunteer and Ministry Opportunities

Both the Spanish Section and Wheaton’s Center for Vocation and Career are frequently made aware of internship, employment, and ministry opportunities that require all levels of Spanish proficiency. Contact a Spanish professor or the CVC for more information.