Physics and Engineering Faculty Research

Faculty Research Areas

Faculty from the Wheaton College Physics and Engineering Department are engaged in a variety of exciting research projects.

Dr Darren Craig with Wheaton College Physics Students


roessler_attractor2Dr. Robert Bishop

Dr. Bishop's research involves the history and philosophy of science, philosophy of physics, philosophy of social science, philosophy of mind and psychology, and metaphysics. He is particularly interested in chaos and complex systems and their philosophical implications.

MST DrawingDr. Darren Craig

Dr. Craig is an experimental plasma physicist. His research is on problems important for the confinement of hot plasmas for magnetic fusion energy and related problems in naturally occurring plasmas in space and astrophysics.

Read more about Dr. Craig's Research

Dr-hsu-graphic-image-for-researchDr. Darren Hsu

Dr. Hsu’s research aims to understand how biological and synthetic materials are able to demonstrate advanced properties from nanoscale features. This research involves predicting their thermodynamic and mechanical behavior at the molecular scale using computational methods. 

Aurora BorealisDr. Jim Schroeder

Dr. Schroeder has performed experiments using UCLA’s Large Plasma Device (LAPD) studying the interaction of Alfven waves with electrons. After returning to Wheaton as a faculty member, he stayed involved with LAPD experiments, and he started a new collaboration with the Naval Research Lab in Washington, DC. He is also building a plasma experiment at Wheaton College.

Read More: 
Dr. Jim Schroeder Receives the American Astronomical Society 2023 Early Career Award >
Dr. Jim Schroeder Discovers the Force Behind the Northern Lights>


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