Physics and Engineering News

Recent News

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Faculty Author Publishes about Emergence with Prestigious Oxford University Press

Physics and Engineering department faculty member, Dr. Robert Bishop with two co-authors, has just published a book entitled Emergence in Context with “the world's leading university press” Oxford University Press (OUP).

A Glimpse into the Rising Generation of Educators

Eliana Chow ’21 writes about Joseph Milligan ’23, a missionary kid from Kenya, who is a double major in physics and secondary education, Comparing his visit to other schools than Wheaton, Milligan said, “At other schools I visited, I felt that they would be happy if I went there, especially with their generous scholarship offers. But nobody showed that they wanted me or cared about me in the same way that Wheaton’s people did."   

Wheaton Sophomore Awarded American Association of Physics Teachers' Scholarship 

Wheaton sophomore Tamara Watson (Physics Secondary Ed ‘23) has been awarded the Barbara Lotze Scholarship for Future Teachers from the American Association of Physics Teachers.

Wheaton Grad. Hunts for Gravitational Waves

Steven Palladino's ('13) doctoral work attempts to detect gravitational waves from the birth of the universe. 

Mission to Mars: The Wheaton Connection

Wheaton Physics alumnus Roger Wiens '82 played a pivotal role in the Perseverance rover, which landed on Mars in February 2021. 

Students and Faculty in Wheaton Magazine

Students and faculty from the Department of Physics and Engineering are featured in the most recent issue of Wheaton Magazine.

Physics Faculty Awarded NASA Grant

Assistant Professor of Physics Jim Schroeder ‘09 is part of a team of researchers who have recently been awarded a grant from NASA. 

Remote Learning Experiment

The switch to remote learning during the spring had a significant impact on several of Genevieve Nelson's courses, heavily affecting her laboratory-based experimental physics course in particular. 

Breaking New Ground with LiDAR

Wheaton College students and faculty have formed an intra-departmental team to create a process utilizing LiDAR technology to map changes at archeological sites, with Tel Shimron in Israel as the initial test location.

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The National Science Foundation (NSF) awarded Assistant Professor of Physics Dr. Jim Schroeder ’09 with a $522,656 five-year grant to continue his research on whistler waves.

Ten Wheaton Students at CUWIP 2024

Ten Wheaton College Physics and Engineering students attended the Conference for Undergraduate Women in Physics (CUWiP) held at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor on January 19-21, 2024.