My personal interests include C. S. Lewis, his circle, and China. Wheaton has presented me with numerous opportunities for travel and service over the years, including England (nine times) and Russia (two times), but the most life-changing has been sabbaticals (1989 & 1995) and summers teaching in China (2002 and 2005).
University of California, Riverside
Ph.D., English, 1979
University of California, Riverside
M.A., English, 1973
California Baptist College
B.A., English, 1968
Courses Taught
- ENGL 105 - Literature of the Modern World
- ENGL 216 - British Literature: 17th-20th Century
- ENGL 353 - 18th-Century Literature
- ENGL 355 - Romantic Period
- ENGL 433 - Varied Literary Topics: C.S. Lewis
- ENGL 494 - Senior Seminar
- ENGW 104 - Writing Effective Prose
Professional Affiliations
- Conference on Christianity & Literature
Much of my research has revolved around C. S. Lewis, including recent collaborative projects with students that have been especially rewarding. From my teaching post in Beijing, I joined the Wheaton-in-Asia program in May 2007 to teach a quad course on Asian Literature (autobiography).
Beyond the Shadowlands: C.S. Lewis on Heaven and Hell, Crossway Books (2005).
"Romantics" in Tom Martin, ed., Reading the Classics with C. S.
Lewis, Grand Rapids, MI: Baker, 2000.
Book Review: Terry Lindvall. Surprised by Laughter: The Comic World of C. S. Lewis. Nashville: Nelson, 1996. In Christian Scholar's Review, XXVII:4, Summer 1998.
Referee for Christian Scholar's Review special issue (fall 1998) on C. S. Lewis.
"C. S. Lewis: Reluctant Churchman" in Touchstone (1998, reprinted from 1988; further reprinted by SIRS for electronic retrieval).
"John Dryden," "Percy Bysshe Shelley," "Enlightenment," "Immortality," "Myth," "Supernatural," "Johnson's 'Life of Fox,'" articles in C. S. Lewis Companion, Jeffrey Schultz, ed., 1998.
Conference organizer for "C. S. Lewis and the Literary Tradition" centenary celebration of Lewis' birth, Writing & Literature Conference at Wheaton College, September 1998.
"Shadowlands: Inadvertent Evangelism," in C. S. Lewis: Lightbearer in the Shadowlands, Angus Menuge, ed., Crossway, (1997).
"Christianity & Culture: The China Challenge," for Concordia University, (WI) Fall Speaker Series on Christianity & Culture (October 1996). Revised and accepted for chapter in book.
Book Review: Janine Goffar. C. S. Lewis Index. Loma Linda, CA: Loma Linda U. Press, 1995. In Seven 13 (1996): 103-104.
"The Chronicles of Narnia" in Magill's Guide to Science Fiction and Fantasy Literature: Salem Press (1995).
Sabbatical (fall 1995): Peking University, included grad course: "Using Literature in TESOL."
Journey to the Celestial City: Glimpses of Heaven in Great Literary Classics, editor, Moody (1995).
"Longing for Heaven: C. S. Lewis's The Great Divorce" in Journey to the Celestial City Moody (1995).
Staley Lecturer at Roberts Wesleyan. Lectures on C. S. Lewis (1994).
Book review: David Downing's Planets in Peril: A Critical Study of C. S. Lewis's Ransom Trilogy in Christian Scholar's Review (1994).
"Samuel Johnson on the Runaway Imagination" in Touchstone (1991).
"C. S. Lewis on Gender Language in the Bible" in Touchstone (1990).
The Quotable Lewis, coeditor, Tyndale (1989). Cornerstone Book of the Year.
"C. S. Lewis: Reluctant Churchman" in Touchstone (1988).
"Conflicting Views of Self in Richardson's Clarissa," paper, Midwest Modern Language Association (1983).
"Joseph Addison: A Moral Voice in a Secular Age": paper at Conference on Christianity & Literature (1982).
Assistant Bibliographer for Christianity and Literature (1982-85).
"Swift's 'A Description of the Morning,'" in Masterplots II, Pasadena, CA: Salem Press, (forthcoming).
Scholarly Work Abroad: Great Britain, Ireland, China, Russia
Talks: over fifty on China and twenty-five on Lewis in last decade (including radio & TV).