Dr. Coolidge's interests include medieval literature, medieval theology, medieval art, the teaching of writing, peace and justice issues especially as they relate to the third world, gardening, finishing wood, and home remodeling.
Duke University
M.A., Ph.D.
Wheaton College
Courses Taught
- ENGL 215 - Classical and Early British Literature
- ENGL 331 - Medieval Literature
- ENGL 433 - Varied Literary Topics: Arthurian Literature
- ENGW 381 - Advanced Writing
- ENGW 103 - Writing Effective Prose (4 hrs.)
- ENGW 104 - Writing Effective Prose (2 hrs.)
Professional Affiliations
- Medieval Society of America
- The New Chaucer Society
- The Arthurian Society
- Association of Departments of English
- Conference on Christianity and Literature
I am particularly interested in medieval symbolism and its theological, philosophical, and artistic roots. My interests include both the possible meanings of different symbols but also how symbols function within different genres and contexts in medieval literature and art.
The Grafted Tree: A Study in Symbolic Function, manuscript completed and being sent out for review.
"Eliduc and the Iconography of Love." Medieval Studies 54 (1992):274-285.
"Tree," Dictionary of Biblical Tradition in English Literature, ed. David L. Jeffrey, Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1992, pp. 779-80.
"The Second Shepherd's Play and Everyman," Invitation to the Classics, ed., Louise Cowan and Os Guinness, Grand Rapids: Baker Books, 1998, pp.113-16.