An internship serves as a bridge between academic life and the world of work, using general skills and knowledge acquired through a liberal arts education in specific career requirements. Internships are an elective option for Communication majors.
An internship can take place during the school year or in the summer, after 16 hours of coursework in Communication has been completed. Every unit of academic credit requires 40 hours on the job. No more than four hours of credit can be received for any internship experience and no more than four hours can count toward the 32 hours required for the major.
Wheaton students have participated in internships at
- Christianity Today
- Crossway/GoodNews Publishers
- The Chicago Tribune
- Wheaton College's Advancement Office
- By the Hand Club for Kids
- Chick-Fil-A
- Korean West Alliance Church
- Jimi Allen Productions
- Wheaton College's Athletic Department
Summer and Spring internships included
- Chicago Tribune
- Target
- Facets Media
- Rochester Women's Magazine
- Diablo Magazine
- Blackberry Market
- The Hollywood Reporter
- Int'l. Center for Journalism, Berlin
- Kansas City Chiefs
- JiMi Allen Productions
- Christianity Today
- Korean West Alliance Church
- Wheaton College's Advancement Office
Please contact Ken Chase for more information.