As a result of completing the Biology program at Wheaton College, students will achieve the following learning outcomes:
- Understands processes by which energy is captured by primary producers and used to support the maintenance, growth, and reproduction of biological organisms.
- Understands genetic and epigenetic mechanisms of inheritance and response to changing environmental conditions (information flow); including natural selection, mutations, gene flow, and genetic drift.
- Understand structure, function, and the structure/function relationship at all levels of biological organization: from molecules to ecosystems; including the diversity of biological organisms.
- Understands evolutionary theory.
- Expresses scientific information in written and oral forms appropriate to a professional scientific audience.
- Appropriately analyzes scientific information through quantitative, statistical, and bioinformatic approaches.
- Integrates subdisciplines of biology, biology with other disciplines, and Christian faith and scientific understanding in the practice of biology.
- Demonstrates professionalism such as in meeting course expectations.
- Discovers and interprets characteristics of nature as part of God’s creation.