Dr Alicia Casas

Dr. Alicia CasasAlicia Casas Gorgal, MD, is a clinical psychiatrist and sexologist, and is the co-founder of the Claves Program (claves.org.uy), a HNGR partner.  Claves began in 1995 within Youth for Christ Uruguay, for abuse prevention and the promotion of children’s well-being. At Claves she serves as the Coordinator of Pedagogy, Training and Consulting, and regularly teaches courses across Latin America and Europe based on the work that she oversees at Claves. She is the author and co-author of several publications and teaching tools related to abuse and well-being of children and adolescents. She has frequently been invited to speak at various Latin American universities, as well as national and international events such as the Movement for Children and Adolescents, CLADE IV and CLADE V, World Council of Churches Assemblies, Micah Network, Harvest Foundation, and the International Festival of the Church of Sweden. In her consulting work she has participated in the production of child protection materials for international organizations and networks related to children’s rights, such as Tearfund UK, Viva Together for Children, World Vision, Inter American Children’s Institute, BICE (International Catholic Child Bureau), Movement for Children and Adolescents, CLAI (Council of Latin American Churches), UNFPA (United Nations Population Fund). She has a private practice in Clinical Psychiatry since 1995.