Schedule of Events

2013 HNGR Symposium: Small Plots, Big Change

2013 HNGR Symposium

Thursday, February 28

HNGR Symposium Opening Address
“The Last Hunger Season” 
with Roger Thurow, Senior Fellow on Global Agriculture and Food Policy, Chicago Council on Global Affairs 
Coray Auditorium


Audience Question and Answer
with Roger Thurow


Reception for Plenary Speakers and HNGR Interns’ Poster Presentation 
Coray Auditorium


Friday, March 1

HNGR Intern Chapel
Edman Chapel


Tray lunch with HNGR interns and symposium guests 
North Party Room


Panel: “Small Scale Farming in the Information Age: Increasing Yields through Education, Research and Communications Capacity” 
with Sri Spicka, Corporate Citizenship Center of Excellence for the John Deere Foundation; Dr. Paul McNamara, Associate Professor in Dept. of Agricultural and Consumer Economics/Univ. of IL, HNGR ’83; Roger Thurow, Chicago Council on Global Affairs – Moderated by Dr. Chris Keil 
Coray Auditorium


Panel: “Agriculture and the Environment: Ecological Concerns for and Responses by Smallholder Farmers”
with Dr. Laura Yoder, Associate Professor in the Sustainability and Environmental Education Department at Merry Lea Environmental Learning Center of Goshen College; Stuart Dykstra, VP of  Water, Environment and Natural Resources of V3 Companies; Stan Doerr, CEO of ECHO; Dr. Gebisa Ejeta, Distinguished Professor/2009 World Food Prize Laureate in the School of Agronomy at Purdue University – Moderated by Dr. Kristen Page
Coray Auditorium


Breakout Sessions
Resource rights and access – Dr. Laura Yoder (Phelps Room)
Water and irrigation – Zerihun Hailu and Stuart Dykstra (Coray Auditorium)
Nutritional security – Dr. Paul McNamara and Dr. Sarah Johnson Beebout (Parmelee Room)                                   

HNGR Symposium Closing Address
“Is Science and Technology Sufficient to Empower Small Scale Farmers to Feed the Hungry?”
with Dr. Gebisa Ejeta, Distinguished Professor/2009 World Food Prize Laureate in the School of Agronomy at Purdue University
Coray Auditorium


Symposium Synthesis Panel
with Dr. Gebisa Ejeta, Dr. Mwenda Ntarangwi, Dr. Kristen Page and Dr. Paul Robinson  – Moderated by John Vendeland